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Iran Deal Would Require US to Defend Iran against Israel

By Jerry A. Kane

While discussing the Iran deal on the Today Show, the Secretary of State and husband of Teresa Hines, John “Lurch” Kerry said that an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran would be “a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel.”

Kerry tried to downplay concerns that clauses in the Iran deal would require the US to secure Iran’s nuclear facilities and defend the terrorist nation against an Israeli preemptive attack.

“[F]aced with a choice between defending Israel and defending the Iran deal, it is become clear that under some circumstances, the Obama administration would choose the latter. That is a radically different position from the one Obama took in public just a short time before formal negotiations began,” Breitbart News.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio also pointed out that part of the Iran deal could force the US into the position of helping Iran defend itself against Israel.

“At the last minute, they [Iran negotiators] were able to get all sorts of outrageous concessions including … we have to help Iran protect itself against sabotage. If any other country tries to undermine their nuclear program, we have to help them defend themselves against Israel, Egypt, Saudis, our own allies.”

The Iran deal also has been roundly criticized in the Israeli media.

“One of the clauses in the nuclear deal reached between world powers and Iran last week guarantees that the world powers will assist Iran in thwarting attempts to undermine its nuclear program,” Israel Hayom.

A preemptive strike against Iran would not be the first time Israel had preemptively attacked a country without U.S. support. Ronald Reagan condemned Israel’s attack against Iraq in 1981, and George W. Bush opposed Israel’s strike against Syria in 2007.

In the past, Hussein I (peace be upon him) has leaked Israeli attack plans to Iran thus neutralizing Israel’s preemptive capacity. However, with the concessions made in the Iran deal, he could mandate something far worse for Israel.


Unfortunately, there are countless traitors within the American political community who speak out of both sides of their mouths. And some of the fork-tongued politicians are Jews who claim they support Israel, yet they are in reality self-hating, Kapo Jews who would feel no remorse if the Jews in Israel were wiped out by the Iranians.

For more on the story, see U.S., Israel on Collision Course if Iran Deal Goes Through, Marco Rubio says Iran deal means we have to help defend Iran from Israel or other allies, and Nuclear deal will see powers ‘help Iran protect facilities’.

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