
Posts Tagged ‘Al Gore’

It’s been said that people would not have the Bible if it weren’t for the Roman Catholic Church. According to the Church, the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) had ruled the canon issue settled, and the 1546 Council of Trent reaffirmed their rulings. The Church’s claim that its councils gave the world the Bible is as ludicrous as Al Gore’s claim that he gave the world the Internet.

First of all, the Hippo and Carthage councils were provincial, not ecumenical, that is, the rulings they issued were local and not binding on the entire church. What’s more they didn’t authoritatively settle any canonical issues in the church at the time they met.

“[T]here was not a “catholic” (universal) canon of the New Testament even as late as the 8th century. There was widespread agreement by that time on the 27 books that we recognize were inspired, but there was no authoritative presence telling all Christians they must accept one set of books or another.”

According to historian and author Rod Gragg, the Roman Catholic Church councils did not select the books in the Bible.

“[T]he New Testament canon … was not a group of books assembled by chance or forced on the early church by fourth century church councils but was steadily and unhurriedly established through its acceptance by church congregations from the first century onward.” Rod Gragg

Almost the entire New Testament could be duplicated from the quotations found in early church writings before the Council of Nicea in 325. In Gragg’s view, “the church councils did not pick the 27 books of the New Testament, but rather acknowledged what already had been accepted by the Christian community.”

Gragg points out “the Old Testament canon was already well-established by the Jewish community more than 250 years before Christ.” The Jews recognized and correctly assembled the Old Testament Scriptures without the aid of the Roman Catholic Church, and the early Christians did the same thing with the New Testament Scriptures. Gragg concurs:

“The New Testament canon … was established not by a single meeting or by a pronouncement by a group of Christian leaders, but by the progressive, unhurried acceptance of those 27 books by Christian congregations in the era of the early church. Historically, Christianity has attributed the emergence of the New Testament as an act of the Holy Spirit. By the time the famous church councils began meeting in the 4th century A.D., the New Testament canon was already well-established by the use of those 27 books within the early church.”

Keep in mind the Scriptures were being circulated to the churches when the apostles were alive (Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:27; Revelation 1:11), and they were read in the synagogues and churches (Luke 4:16-20; Acts 15:21; 17:1-2; 10-12; 1 Timothy 4:13).

Some people carried the Scripture with them (Acts 8:30-34), and they were meant to be read by all (1 Corinthians 1:2; Ephesians 1:1; Revelation 1:3). Jesus referred to the three parts of the Jewish canon (“the Law of Moses…the prophets…the Psalms…” Luke 24:44), and Peter acknowledged Paul’s writings as Scripture and likened them to other Scriptures (2 Peter 3:15-16).

The truth is the “councils did not actually pick books and declare them to be the Bible; instead, they recognized or acknowledged the canon that already existed.”

I.M. Kane

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Politics and not science drives the global warming/climate change hysteria. The funding and reward model, which has enticed the scientific community to overstate the climate problem, has caused malignant scientific errors to invade the profession, destroying its hard-won reputation for honesty and objectivity.

According to atmospheric scientist Garth Paltridge, the specious science surrounding global warming emerged when massive amounts of taxpayer money, external to the normal budgets of the universities and federal laboratories, was poured into the scientific profession. To keep the money flowing, scientists had to promote the global warming issue in dire terms and align themselves with environmental advocacy organizations.

“A new and rewarding research lifestyle emerged which involved the giving of advice to all types and levels of government, the broadcasting of unchallengeable opinion to the general public, and easy justification for attendance at international conferences …

In effect, the academies, which are the most prestigious of the institutions of science, formally nailed their colors to the mast of the politically correct.

Since that time … there has been no comfortable way for the scientific community to raise the specter of serious uncertainty about the forecasts of climatic disaster.” Garth Paltridge

Knowing that a bunch of avaricious academics willing sold their scientific souls to push climate change isn’t it possible that they would also sell their souls to push the theory of evolution by natural selection.

What Americans should know about academics is that they can be very foolish. They often take themselves too seriously and have a sense of self-importance that exceeds their common sense.

This 21:19 youtube video is taken from The Millstone Report web cast at the Resistance Radio Network.

The two-hour show aired Tuesday Feb.11, 2014. TMR was broadcast live M-F from 10:00 am – noon on channel 2.

For more clips from The Millstone Report web cast visit I.M. Kane 2012 on youtube. To see a rebroadcast of the last show, visit the Ought to be Headlines web page.

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Progressive Insurance Chairman Bankrolls Progressive Causes

By Jerry A. Kane

Progressive Insurance Chairman Peter Lewis is one of the major contributors to leftist causes in the United States. The company’s ads feature an obnoxious and rather disturbing brunette named Flo who dresses all in white and wears bright-red lipstick.

Lewis, who was the former CEO of daddy’s company, has reportedly given tens of millions of dollars to leftist groups including, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Center For American Progress, MoveOn.org, and America Coming Together.

Along with fellow traveler George Soros, Lewis bankrolls a progressive movement that is out to destroy America’s economy and free enterprise system. He discreetly directs millions of dollars to leftist groups such as Democracy Alliance and Media Matters to promote Democrat Party candidates.

In addition, he belongs to and has donated tens of millions of dollars to the ACLU, which works tirelessly to tear down America’s Judeo-Christian heritage by:

  • Removing nativity scenes from public property, and forcing Christmas trees to be named Holiday trees when displayed on public property.
  • Banning Christmas trees and songs such as Silent Night from public schools.
  • Renaming Christmas break Winter break.
  • Suing cities for sponsoring Christmas parades.
  • Forcing states to legalize homosexual marriage.
  • Forcing libraries to remove porn filters from their computers.
  • Suing the Boy Scouts for not accepting homosexuals as scout leaders.
  • Helping legalize child pornography.
  • Legalizing live sex acts in bars in Oregon.
  • Protecting the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a pedophile/pederasty organization that advocates adult sexual contact with children.
  • Censoring student led prayer at graduation.
  • Removing “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” on currency.

Lewis’ willingness to bankroll progressive Democrats while filling his pockets in the process brings to mind Armand Hammer, the former head of Occidental Petroleum and business associate and friend to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who lavishly sponsored Al Gore Sr.’s and Jr.’s political careers.

It’s time conservative policy holders of Progressive Insurance realize that they are enabling Peter Lewis to advance the ACLU’s “war on Christmas” and the progressive agenda that is destroying America. There’s no need to wonder anymore why the company’s named progressive.

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