
Posts Tagged ‘decrees’

Sola Scriptura, the rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation, means that Scripture alone is the only authority for the Christian faith and its practices.

Although the apostate Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches acknowledge the Bible is both divinely inspired and authoritative, they deny that it is the sole authority for faith and practice. They insist that their decrees, rituals, and traditions are also divinely inspired and equally authoritative.

Their unregenerate followers often challenge Sola Scriptura believers to show them where in the Bible it explicitly states that Scripture alone is the only authority for the faith. Knowing the Bible doesn’t explicitly state that it is the sole authority for faith and practice, they walk away believing they’ve proved their point.

Sola Scriptura believers shouldn’t have to prove that the Bible is the sole authority for the Christian faith because both apostate churches agree that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative. Therefore, the burden should be on the apostate churches to prove that their added decrees, rituals, and traditions are divinely inspired and equally authoritative with the Scripture.

The Bible declares itself to be God-breathed, inerrant, and authoritative. It also says that God does not change His mind or contradict Himself. And the Bible does not allow for decrees, rituals, and traditions that contradict its teachings.

Sola Scriptura is not so much an argument against tradition as it is an argument against unbiblical, extra-biblical, and anti-biblical doctrines and practices.

Unless these apostate churches can prove that their decrees, rituals, and traditions are divinely inspired and equally authoritative with the Scripture, the only way for a Christian to know what God says about faith and practices is to consult what He has revealed in the Bible. 

The Bible says it’s God’s written word. It claims to be infallible, authoritative, and trustworthy. Without proof the same cannot be said for the traditions, practices, and rituals of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.

It’s not difficult to understand what the Bible teaches, but it’s impossible to believe what it teaches without being born again. Peace.

I.M. Kane

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